Life as a Java developer today doesn't merely mean long working hours -- today, it also necessitates that individuals in this line of work also possess exceptional programming knowledge. Why? Because Java has been among the top programming languages in the world for a while now, which means it is a crucial facet of business across the globe. Also, don't think that when a company sets out to hire dedicated Java programmers, it helps develop websites. Today, these individuals have become an intricate part of an enterprise, as they help maintain design databases, testing software, intranet designing, and cell phone programming, among so many other things.

So you could scan through a Java developer's CV or job board profile for hours on end, but if they can't tell their JPA apart from Gradle, believe us when we say it is unlikely they'll be of much assistance to an enterprise that engages their services. So, if you too are planning to hire one for a project, here's a list of some of the top skills that you should look out for in the people you shortlist.

  1. Java 8: When you go looking for Java developers, you will find plenty of individuals who, despite years and years of experience, will struggle to write Java 8 code and use features such as Java Stream API -- which is leveraged for bulk knowledge operations on collections; various Default ways; and Lambda Expressions. Long story short, a developer with mastery over Java 8 as well as the myriad features it offers will be able to do significantly better than a developer who is inexperienced with Java 8.
  2. Spring Framework: Spring Framework is an application framework as well as an inversion of control container for Java. Any Java application can leverage the framework's primary features, and while it does not enforce a specific programming model, it has managed to establish itself as a crowd favorite in the community. It comes with a variety of modules that deliver various services. It is why most companies offering Java development services make use of Spring frameworks such as Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and Spring MVC to create REST APIs, microservices, and web apps. So, a Java developer worth his salt in this competitive environment should be familiar with the use of this particular framework.
  3. Unit Testing: Unit tests enable developers to validate their code results in behavior or state testing. So, while you are striving to hire dedicated Java programmers, ensure that there are relevant tools for not only unit testing, but also performance testing, integration testing, and automation testing as well.
  4. Java APIs and libraries: Any experienced developer knows that Java APIs and libraries, which constitute a significant facet of the platform's ecosystem, are crucial to the successful execution of any Java-based development project. Sure, one cannot expect them to know every API and library, but they must know of the most important ones.

When it comes to Java-based development work and plans to hire dedicated Java programmers by engaging the services of a reliable company, this way you can rest assure that your project is being taken care of by consummate professionals.